The holy book is said to be the most popular book and remains to be undisputed in terms of figures sold each year No book has been more widely disseminated and has more broadly influenced the course of global event than has the bible. These books have influenced more thought, inspired more art, and motivated more discoveries than any other book.
Archaeology is an important science that confirms the historical accuracy of the bible. Since the bible makes reference to hundreds of cities, king, and places, we would expect to find evidence from on-site excavations. If we did not find any such evidence, we would highly question the bible’s claim of inspiration and tend to view it as myth and folklore. Skeptics would regard the bible as the product of human imagination rather than a divinely inspired record about real historical events, about real people living in real cities.
At the turn of the centuries, detractors of the Holy books viewed the bible as myth rather than real world history. They see the bible as archaic and replete with contradictions and distortions. They regard bible events as old wives’ tales which are useful for instructing children in moral and ethical values, but not much else. A popular belief is that the bible will not stand up to the scrutiny of modern science. Others say that biblical facts contradict that fact being laid down by scientific studies. Yet, when the bible skeptics’ evidence is examined in the light of recent discoveries data or even in medical arena, the opposite is true.
Today, so many bible cities, name and events have been unearthed through archaeology that makes the bible considered as the single most important histological document in existence. There are two main lines of support for biblical history: archeological artifacts and specifically written documents. With respect to the science of past human cultures through the recovery and analysis of their materials relics there is no archeological finding that has ever invalidated a biblical teaching. In fact, much of the earlier criticisms of the bible have been decisively overturned by archeological discoveries which have demonstrated the existence of writings in Moses’ day, or the history of chronology of kings of
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